
Showing posts from 2017

Storytime #4 Najbolji dan u zivotu.❤

Heyoooo Evo mene, nisam zaboravila i ne mrzi me da napisem danas ponovo novi post, opa xD Uglavnom da ne duzim, ajde da krenemo odmah. Nas su mentorke svaki dan budile u 07:30 zato sto nam je dorucak uvek bio u 08:00h. Ali poslednji dan, na dan koncerta su nas pustile malo duze do 08:30 da bi smo se odmorile. Ali ne. Mi kao najveci idioti ustanemo u POLA SEDAM E. A da su nam rekle da treba da ustanemo tada jedva bi nas izvukle iz kreveta lol. I aj posle smo se smarale nije se nesto zanimljivo desavalo pre i tokom dorucka. Ali posle je postalo zanimljivo xD otisle smo bukvalno sve da se nasminkamo za koncert. I meni je na pamet pala jedna mnogo zanimljiva ideja, da se iscrtam ajlajnerom kao Sanja iz Nemesisa. I nacrtam se i videla me je Ana (fotograf poz za tebe baki mnogo te volem) i rekla: "mora te slikam mnogo si kul". Postavicu uglavnom sve slike tog dana heh :3  Nista, onda ja izasla napolje da me vide mentorke I kad je mene Selena videla I kada je rekla "S...

Storytime#3: Kako sam se provela na rok kampu za devojcice

Oh pa zdravo svima x) Po 927262442. Put: izvinite sto nisam aktivna xD ali ozbiljno, skola prolazi, zelja za samoubistvom sve vise raste XD + sad bukvalno svaki dan imam treninge (i to odmah posle skole) tako da kad dodjem kuci jedva nateram sebe da ucim, a kamoli da radim nesto drugo. No, sada imam vremena pa sam htela da napisem barem 1 post, jer ne zelim da mi ovaj blog propadne, pa cu zato za svaki raspust objavljivati mnogo postova. Nisam bas sigurna gde sam stala, ali uglavnom se nije desavalo nesto posebno zanimljivo 4tog ili 5tog dana, tako da cu ispricati sta se sve desilo pretposlednjeg i poslednjeg jer je tada bilo previse zanimljivo. I da, izvinite ako bude bilo gresaka u kucanju, pisem preko telefona jer trenutno nemam komp ._. Zapravo ja sam tek sad skontala da sam bukvalno sve zaboravila kako se i sta desavalo, tipa znam sta smo sve radili ali totalno sam zaboravila kojim redom se, jelte, sve desavalo xD Uglavnom, 6ti dan, subota. Kao i svaki dan, posle dorucka smo i...

Daniel Erlandsson Portrait - Step by step

Ok. K o n a c n o. Nisam imala interneta 3 dana ffs. Uglavnom, posto dugo nisam objavljivala nista, danas cu verovatno objaviti 2-3 posta! :3 Pa, hajde da pocnemo sa ovim ^^ U proslom sam pisala o tome sta sve koristim za crtanje, pa sam u ovom htela da pisem KAKO crtam. :3 Takodje, bice vise ovakvih tutorijala jelte, za razlicite tipove crteza ^^ Prvo normalno skiciram i uradim line art, i skicu odmah obrisem jer, ne znam tako mi je lakse hahaha.  Onda pocnem sa sencenjem, nisam slikala toliko detaljno ali uglavnom krenem prvo od ociju, jer mi je nekako tako najlakse, a i oko ociju mi treba najvise vremena pa mi je lakse da prvo njih zavrsim pa onda sve ostalo ide mnogo lakse. :) Onda dodam brkove ili bradu sta vec ima taj koga crtam, i to je bukvalno nesto najlakse, a i najbrze sto nacrtam. Onda a hjao, ne znam zasto ali je meni ovo obicno najdosadniji i najtezi i najgori deo xD Ne znam zasto ali mene toliko mrzi da im crtam kosu i odecu, najla...

MoonSun Fanart + Pribor koji koristim

Eloo~ Neki su me u DM pitali kako, jelte, crtam, odnosno koje olovke koristim, cime sencim, itd... Paa, aj da pocnemo xD Ovo mi je najnoviji crtez, danas sam ga zavrsila. MoonSun fanart, i poslala sam im na FB i omgyyy videli su i odgovorili *-* Znam da je ''malo'' odvratan ali sam bukvalno htela da ga zavrsim samo zbog posta, tako da sam, jelte, na silu crtala iako me je previse mrzelo xD A i znam da ako ne uzmem i ne nateram sebe da crtam da ce mi taj crtez stojati na stolu narednih godinu dana. Welp, od olovki koristim bukvalno samo ovu sa slike, HB lol Trenutno nemam uopste para jer sam potrosila na bubnjeve, ali zaista mislim da bih trebalo malo i u crtanje da ulozim jer obicno bacam pare na neke druge gluposti xD Eh, za sencenje vec ne bih bezveze kupovala ona cuda za sencenje, ne znam ni sta su uglavnom lici na olovku samo sto sluzi za sencenje. Wow. I bukvalno daje isti (ili slicni) efekat kao i ovo sto ja koristim. Dap, sencim cetkicama za sminku xD Ali...

Storytime #2: Rok kamp za devojčice

Ok. Konačno sam našla vremena da napišem drugi deo. xD  Welp, treći dan sam tbh takođe zaboravila šta se dešavalo lmao, ali preko noći nismo mogle da zaspimo do 1 ujutru kk. Prvo nam je ušao stršljen i krenule smo da se deremo i dozivamo Tamaru da ga ubije, ajd on je brzo crko. Ali posle nam je ušla neka aždaja, ljudi to je bilo ogromno to je bio dinosaurus skratio mi je život za otprilike 10 godina. Mi blejale u našoj sobi i pričale, i Mina odjednom kaže: "ŠTA JE TO?!" Mi sve pogledamo tamo gde je pokazala, kad ono neka aždaja odvratna braon sa krilima. A pazi scenu: Maša i Margita nemaju gde, pokrile otišle ispod posteljine i jorgana, Anđela otišla u čošak kreveta idk, a ja i Mina otrčale u hodnik i dozivamo Tamaru, a fazon bilo 1 ujutru devojka spava verovatno. I zamisli ti sad spavaš i čuješ odozgore kako te neko doziva kao da ga kolju e. Uglavnomona se jedva pojavila posle 5 minuta, za to vreme smo čini mi se probudile sve sa kampa, lol. Ona konačno došla i ubila ga i...

Storytime: Rok Kamp Za Devojcice #1

Heyoo!  Nije da sam se tek sad setila da napisem ovako nesto nego sam tej sad nasla vremena, pa cu ovo verovatno pisati najmanje pola sata. Uglavnom, pocecu od bukvalno prvog dana zato sto ima toliko smesnih i zanimljivih dogadjaja, pa cu verovatno pisati ovo iz dva dela.  Trebali smo svi da se nadjemo negde u Beogradu da bi smo svi zajedno dosli na to odmaraliste autobusom, jedino je mog oca mrzelo da me vozi po onoj, jelte, guzvi u Bg-u, pa je on mene doveo direktno tamo i onda sam se ja smarala i cekala da dodju ostali. Nista kad su svi dosli ja sam pevo krenula da fangirlujem jer sam oznala Anju i Tijanu iz Nemesisa, a i videla Selenu opet lel. Uglavnom, posle su nas rasporedili po sobama, i pazi sad foru: nista, dosle smo sve u sobe, stavile kofere i svaka sela na svoj krevet. Andjela i Zenja se jedine zezaju jer su se valjda upoznale u autobusu sta znam, a mi ostale kao najveci idioti sedimo samo i gledamo. xD Devojcica ciji je krevet bio pored mog, Masa isto kao ja...


Oke ipak sam odlučila da ću da pišem na srpskom jer šta znam, lakše mi :D K nacrtala sam je bukvalno još kad je počela škola ali sam, kao što rekoh čim je počela izgubila volju i za pisanjem i crtanjem i životom uopšte. XD kupila sam pre neki dan bubnjeve, i kapiram da ću biti u kazni i da neću moći da ih sviram za koji dan jer je u utorak kontrolni iz matematike. Tako da i ako me posle utorka ne bude duže vreme znači da sam u kazni. xD  No, da se vratimo na temu posta. Ne znam ni ja bas zasto joj je vrat kako da kažem Polomljen? Otvoren? Nemam pojma, valjda se previše ložim na Tillith xD mada pokušavam da pronadjem svoj stil, samo mi je to kod nje zanimljivo.  Takodje i u narednim postovima će te videti ovako pegave likuše sa vilenjačkim ušima, pegice stavljam jer idk slatke su, a uši jer obožavam vilenjake i pogotovo ove najveće moguće, one su tako divne xD Eh, malo sam i inspiraciju izgubila, pisite u komentarima sta bi ste sve voleli da citate :3 I trudicu se da ...

Black Hole~

Heyoo~ :3 So I did sketch of Black Hole 5 months ago thinking that I will finish that sketch in Photoshop or Paint Tool SAI. But I didn't buy wacom sooo..yeah xD I realized I should just draw her on paper. And yep this is supposed to be ''Black Hole'' xD I don't know yet if she will be my OC, because maybe I will never draw her again (that's how all my OCs have died lol) But if so, I will draw her whole body and write her backstory why she has this holes and everything..and right now even I don't know why she have them and why is her neck um idk halved? xD But yeah I like how this drawing turned out and I think she will be my new OC and I will write her backstory :3 Welp I hope you like her and if you do I will definetly draw her again, seeya^^

My clothes #1

Heyooo Kk so I felt like drawing today but got bored after 5 mins, again.  Like I'm trying ao hard to keep drawing and writing but really school started and we didn't even start our lessons and I already lost my motivation for living xD So i wanted to draw something different and tought I can design something, so here I am with my dress😂 It didn't turn out how I imagined it but I think that's because I got bored as soon as I started drawing lmao xD But I think it's not that bad, even if it didn't turn out how I imagined, I like it and it's pretty good, and I will definetly continue to draw clothes :D 

To watch list

 Hiyaa~ As I said, I'm gonna post my To Watch list with horror movies, and if you have some good movie to suggest, please write it in comments because I'm really obssesed with horrors! And I hope I will help some other horror lovers^^ Idk I know you can read those names from the photo but I want to write them here too xD Watched: Ouija Ouija - Origin of evil Ouija - Experiment Ouija - Experiment 2 Conjuring Halloween Anabelle Mama The Exorcist The Cradle Of Shadows Ouija - Summoning Friend Request The boy Orphan Conjuring 2 When Lights Went Out Insidious 1,2,3 Grave Encouters Besetment Shutter Livide Devil's Domain Raw Evil Dead The Babadook Don't Breathe To watch: Let The Right One In A Tale Of Two Sister Aliens Green Inferno The Autopsy Shaun Of The Dead It The Thing The Descent The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 28 Days Later Kay so I hope it helped you and you will watch some of them (if u love horrors :3) But please recommend me some horrors in com...


Welp hellooo~ School started and I have already lost my motivation for writing or doing anything xD But I promise I will always post at least one post per day. So for this post I tought I should talk about movies, and I made a list with my top 10 favorite movies. (I didn't make it I'll try to directly write it here actually lol)  To be honest, i just watched horrors lol and I have watched and to watch list on my phone with just horror movies ok. (maybe I will post that list too) but, for this post I will just talk about 10 movies (one of them is idk..i think action? but others are horrors xD) So, here is it: 1. Shutter - the movie on the picture. 3rd movie on the list scared me more, but I freakin love this movie and I love the story so much and I'm obsessed with this photographer (I watched it long ago so I forgot their names) and he is so beautiful I think the actor is Amanda Everinghameoxnq ok I have no idea, it's strange name but yes he is perfect and e...

Outline #1

I've drawn them long time ago, but I thought it would be cool to start making them again! :D This is some random girl I found on google lol, but if you want me to make an outline for you leave a comment or contact me on facebook or instagram. :3 I'm making them in paint tool SAI, and no I'm not using wacom or any other tablet for drawing them, I use touchpad oh god. xD If you want a tutorial leave a comment please, because maybe I will also make a youtube channel where I will post my speed drawings and tutorials ^^ Also if you want to see my older outlines click  here  and scroll till the end because that's what I have posted first xD That's it for this post, see you soon guys!^^

I'm back

AAAAAAAAND I'M FINALLY BACKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! XD K so I promise I will be active from now because I wasn't at home for 2 weeks and I had no internet ok (and yes I survived xoxo) I think I told you but I was on holiday and then I went to Belgrade in Rock Camp for girls and it was awesome, i learned to play Summer of '69 on drums! Idk that's it for this post, as I said I will be so much active and yes new posts every day! ^^ See you soon!


Hey guys, sorry bc I wasn't active last week, I was on holiday and I had no internet :| I want to post some photos buttt I didn't buy a reader yet and today is sunday and I don't think any stores are working today .-. And next week I wont post because I'm going on Rock Camp in Belgrade, I'll learn to play drums and the most important thing is that I will meet Anja and Tijana, members of Nemesis and I can't wait *_* But when I come back seriously I'm going to buy a reader and I promise I'll post more. C: 


K so I FINALLY transffered photos to my computer. Now I'm too lazy to edit them, but I'm trying xD So while I was looking fot that lake I found this car in someone's yard and I tought I could take a cool vintage photo, soo, I hope you like it, leave your opinion in comments^^ For more photos visit my  instagram^^
K so basically I'm uploading old photos because I'm to lazy to buy SD card reader I have so much new photos from the lake I finally found xD And I didn't get lost wow But they are in my camera aaaand I need SD card reader :| But soon I'll opluad them since I go on holidan in 3 days so I have to buy that reader lol. Also I think I'll buy wacom tablet so I'll upload more drawings C:

Sunset photography (again xD)

Okay so literally this is the only photo that I like from yesterday's photoshoot. Idk I think I just wasn't in the mood lmao but ok xD This is fortress in my town, the only interesting place to take photos lol. Today I'm going to try to discover a new places but I don't belive I''l find something. My friend told me that she knows and intereseting lake but I'm afraid I'll get lost if I go alone and I'm to tired for that now it's too hot ok. So until I go with her and she shows me that I think I have just this fortress meh..But I'll try to do my best. c:

I hate myself.

So, yeah Ignore my try to took a professional photo xD So, how this happened Its not just the screen, but the display also doesn't work Because I am so stupid xD First I dropped him in school and screen broke. And I didn't know how to tell my parents because, literally, i broke my tablet's screen 5 days before phone's. But in two days I needed to go on sightseeing tour with school, so I wrote them a letter lmao. And that letter was pretty funny because....that's me lol But that's not that important, after that it worked well, and it had AMAZING camera. Tho better than this...thing...that is older than the Bible... Nevermind, one day I needed to go to my ex bestfriend's birthday (she is not ex bestfriend because i dropped my phone again lol XD) And I went to her house with my friend, and we also get lost because we forgot where she lives ok. And I DON'T KNOW HOW FFS but i dropped my phone again and it went 3 meters from me lol. I al...

Sweet children o' mine♥

Ok. Soooo.. they are my kids XD But no, really, they are my kids and I love them so much and they are just m i n e. Jenner is my favorite because I bought it and it has autograph of all members and it says: ''for Victoria ♥'' xD If you wonder, I have: Jenner - To Live Is To Suffer Demist - Guilt And pleasures Demether - Beautiful Slash - Apocalyptic Love Demether - Within The Mirror Nightwish - Dark Passion Play Kreator - Coma Of Souls Nightwish - Showtime, Storytime (both CDs) Nightwish - Endless Forms Most Beautiful Evanescence - Fallen Nightwish - Wishmaster Xandria - Theater Of Dimensions All of them, except Jenner, I made by myself My mom found these um idk what is it called boxes? XD Let's call them boxes. So, my mom found these boxes with discs, and I just printed the covers of albums. Wow. Incredible. xD That's it for now, see yaaa

Sketch #2

Oh god so I just realized how poor the quality is..I need to buy SD card reader because my camera wont connect to PC with usb... idk why but yeah I need reader and I'm to lazy to go and buy it so I though my phone will work Anyway, another sketch I'll finish in SAI, I'm trying to collect as much ideas as I can until I buy wacom~ Soo yeah, this is it for this post, see ya! :>

Obsidian Kerttu ♥

Drew Obsidian Kerttu with makeup! I wanted to draw her with colors and realized I have just some cheap shit (and I'm not good with drawing with them xD) So I used makeup. The hair and choker are colored with pencil, face and eyes are shaded with eyeshadows, and mouth are colored with lipstick (and it was pretty hard tho) But in the end I think it's pretty good and I like it ^-^

Portraits #1

Kay maybe not the best photo I took, but I started shooting portraits just a month ago xD  Just like I said, I'm trying to earn money for 650d, and I promise I'll improve so much :3 I know these sentences: ''You don't need professional camera to take great photos'', ''The best camera is the one you have with yourself'' Maybe, but I'm not so sure, my friend once gave me her professional camera and my photos was much better that these with Powershot A580 tbh. Also On this day, when I went out with my friend Angelina (who was amazing model^^) we met the band called ''Sirius'' In my town there was um idk like festival idk with smaller rock and metal bands And when Sirius finished their concert we were standing and looking at our photos and one of the members asked us where is the closest restoran xD Omg I was so happy even if I never heard of them before, but yes we showed them and they called us to go with them *...

Braids ♥

Ok, well..xD This is not one of the most interesting things that happened to me, but its really funny. So, I went out with my friend, and while we were walking, in front of us was a guy with braids *--* next to him was a women and I think it's his wife lol..but nvm I was looking at him and I wanted to cry because...welp He has a wife and I'm too young for him ok. And my friend noticed that I was looking and he said to me: hE HAS A WIFE, NO! Omg I don't know why but I laughed sooooo hard next 10 minutes. Also I took this photo on that day, so hope ya like it xD


Feel like drawing today but got bored after 15 minutes... so I just did a sketches and can't wait to buy wacom to finish them in SAI! What do you think of them? Thranduil is in left corner, and the rest of characters are from my imagination^^ Sooo, hope you like it~

Get to know me~

So, yeah..this is me xD Makeup addicted, I LOVE corpse paint lol. Even if I'm not that in love with black metal..xD Well kay, I listen to Burzum and Mayhem (will discover new bands don't worry lmao) Welp, idk, if you follow me on instagram you already know much but.. xD I'm Victoria, 13 years old girl from Serbia who loves art. :3 Metalhead since 10 yrs xD Well, I wasn't metalhead all the time, with the age of 11, I entered the emo phase... unfortunately My favorite bands are Nemesis, Jenner, Demist and Demether (no, I'm not just listening to serbian bands xD) But be honest, these are awesome. - Met the drummer of Nemesis on April 2nd. *-* My fave songs are U ogledalu (Demether), Welcome to the underworld (Demist), Bloody Angel (Avatar) aaaaaaaaand omg Living Dead People by Nemesis is a m a z i n g I love discovering my town because I want to find interesting places to photograph...and I always get lost when I go alone xD Oh and I ADORE long haired ...


Well, hai, this is my 1st post i guess..xD Nevermind, on this blog, as you can see, I'll post drawings, photos, makeup looks, in one word - art. I am not a pro, just a 13 years old girl who loves art SO much, but I hope I will become a pro one day! Currently, I am trying to sold some of my work to buy wacom tablet and Canon EOS 650d. If you wonder, I am shooting with Canon Powershot A580. Yeah, don't judge, I know... xD That's older than the Bible lol.. Here I will post new photos and drawings, but if you want to see my older work, click  here . Um, I think that's it for now, see you soon ~ Btw, one of the newest drawing I did.^^ This is just a sketch, but I'll finish it soon in Paint Tool SAI when i buy graphic tablet.